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Security Systems For Small Houses In Remote Locations: Benefits, Features, And Challenges

The common perception is that the inner city is more dangerous than the suburbs, and far more dangerous than the countryside. And this is true for certain kinds of crime. You are more likely to get attacked and mugged in the city or assaulted for no reason.

But shockingly, thievery and burglary aren’t limited to purse snatchers and car thieves. If you are in the countryside, then you are far more likely to have your property burglarized than if you live almost anywhere else.


Well, as you’re living somewhere in the back country, the place will be far lonelier than usual. And, robbers do LOVE that opportunity and setting, if we are being honest.

Also, it might take a lot of time for the authority to arrive at the scene of burglary due to the distance they have to travel. Thus, you might end up losing whatever’s stolen forever.

And for that reason, security systems are more important there.

What You are Up Against?

There are essentially three kinds of trespassing onto your property you have to worry about:

  1. People coming onto your property looking to rob your home.
  1. People coming onto your property looking to rob your farm, business, or anything else on your property that might be valuable, including equipment and livestock.
  1. People who come onto your property not necessarily knowing what they are looking for.

You might be wondering, “What about wild animals? Or people who find their way onto the property on accident?” Yes, those can pose a risk. But that risk is much smaller. Usually, they will find their way off the property as quickly as they found their way onto it.

The people you really have to worry about are those that arrive with malicious intent. But fortunately, due to the fact that they arrived for a purpose, that purpose is like a big neon arrow above their head pointing to where you can expect them to go.

Burglars, horse thieves, and the like will take the shortest path to their objective. That means if you obstruct that path, their goal will almost be impossible. Granted, the third group we mentioned will be harder to predict. But they will also be easier to scare.

Setting Up Your Home Security System – A Beginner’s Guide

Living in a remote location, especially for a small house owner, can be quite difficult. You have to travel a lot to get your monthly ration, go to your job, and so on.

And, as you can already guess, the more time you spend outside of your home, the higher the risk of burglary will be.

Hence, if you’re a “better safe than sorry” kind of person, it’ll be best for you to organize a proper security system in your accommodation. Here’s how you can start working on it.

Step 1 of Securing Remote Properties: The Basics

To start with, set up signs on the entrances to your property that warn intruders of video surveillance and alarms. If you want to get extra spicy, tell them they will be shot. You can set these up even if any and all of the threats are hollow. In a rural area, they will believe you.

Then you can get to actually setting up your security measures. It is a waste of time and money to try to secure every inch of the perimeter around your property. Instead, focus on the entrances to begin with. An alarm system on the gate or gates into your property will work just like how it works in your home: You turn it on or off and use motion sensors to trip it.

Then, you can set up a similar alarm system in your home. Ideally, this alarm operates on a different set of “protocols”, meaning it is active and inactive at different times. Whenever either alarm is tripped, it should send you a notification prompting you to call the police.

And ideally, it should call the police automatically if you do not respond to it quickly.

Finally, the last basic bit of security you can add to your property is leaving the keys out of any farming equipment you have. A big part of the reason thieves go to farms is because they know people assume themselves to be too isolated to rob and just leave their keys in their equipment.

Step 2: Scaring People Away

One of the greatest benefits of having a remote property is that it is far away from the safety of what most people call “civilization”. This is also one of the challenges, but it is something you can use to your advantage when creating a security system.

Because what it means is that anyone, intruder or otherwise, will have a greater response to danger due to that isolation. And that means you can use more scare tactics in your design.

These include alarms that are audible to the intruder. Most intruders run once they know they are spotted. The same applies to camera systems. Do not try to hide them too much. If a thief can see a camera, they will know that they will be caught, and usually run instead.

Step 3: Setting Up Cameras

And while we are on the topic of cameras, let’s talk about how to set them up. Like we said, it is pointless to try and point cameras all around your property. So, where should you point them?

Like with alarms, near your home and at the roads going into your property are the best places to start. Your property’s valuables, such as equipment and livestock should also be centralized in one place for security. This will allow you to place just one camera covering them.

Another difference between suburban security and rural area security is that most suburban break-ins happen during the day while people are at work. For remote areas, most break-ins happen at night. Therefore, you should try to get light amplifying cameras when you can.

A Proper Security System

That is a lot of layers of security, so let’s recap what we have talked about.

To begin with, you should get an alarm system that triggers for your house, any structure on your property, and the property itself. Best case scenario is that you have a different alarm for each one, though it is possible to do it all with one alarm that you micromanage.

You should post signage to let intruders know that you have security. You should also get alarms that the intruder can hear for the same reason. The alarm should call the police, and any cameras that you have should be visible, but hard to access.


Setting up security in a remote area is a highly unique challenge, but it is important when you are far away from anyone that can help you. If you need any help picking out devices or setting things up, follow this link and take a look at what we have to offer.

Or, if you have any other questions regarding our topic, don’t forget to jot it down in the comment section. We will try to get back to you as soon as we can.