Where are you building your cabin? (a type of building site- sloping/forest/meadow, not address, just country if you want)
Do you plan to use this building permanently, or will it be more of a vacation property?
I plan to use this building permanently
You chose the Ginger cabin, did you make any major changes from the plans you bought?
How did you deal with the building permit, was one needed for such a small building?
Application for va shed
Have you been building it DIY, or have you found some professional builder?
What type of foundation screws did you choose, were they hard to find?
Techno metal post same one’s they use for light house’s

What type of windows did you use?

How do you deal with the power source for construction tools such as saws or drills?
Temporary electric pole power
How will you deal with electricity, water, and waste? Have you thought about any form of Off-Grid solutions?
Compost toilet and gray water
How do you plan to manage the heating?
Wood stove
What stage of construction are you in and what construction activities do you plan to continue in the near future?
2nd floor getting ready to put up the roof
Thank you for the interview, I wish you a lot of perseverance and enthusiasm and I look forward to seeing pictures of the next stage of the construction.