Small Modern Cabin Plans Rylee


Small Modern Cabin Plans

  • complete set of small modern construction plans
  • construction progress + comments
  • complete material list + tool list
  • eBook How to build a tiny house included
  • DIY Furniture plans included
  • DIY building cost $20,500

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Small Modern Cabin Plans

Small Modern Cabin Plans step by step guide

Small Modern Cabin Plans, drawings

Complete set of the small modern cabin plans (pdf): layouts, details, sections, elevations, material variants, windows, doors.


Complete material list + tool list

Complete set of material list + tool list. The very detailed description of everything you need to build your cabin.tool-list

Small Modern Cabin Plans Rylee

Rylee is a freshly designed modern cabin that possesses some of the shipping container’s looks, especially looking at the schematic plans. In the case of Rylee, it’s a lot easier to make adjustments, though. The majority of the long shape accommodates the main room, covering the living and sleeping area, together with storage space. The kitchen branches as a continuation of the main room, and it closed up with a beautifully designed window that perfectly corresponds to space. The bathroom works as a separate room. Overall, Rylee is a simple plan small house with one bedroom and a little porch outside the door.


Built Up Area

430 sq. ft. / 40 m²

Total Floor Area

254 sq. ft. / 23,6 m²


119 ft² / 11 m²


25′-4" x 16′-6" / 7,7 m x 5,1 m

DIY Building cost



electronic, printed+electronic


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Your Comments

1 year 5 months ago

Could this house be built on something other than a turn down slab? Could it be built on structural steel?

1 year 4 months ago

Yes, it can be built on structural steel. Please contact us via for further info.